
My hobby!

My hobby!
In our free times, I think everyone has a hobby. Hobby is the thing that you often do when you have a free time. Hobby comes from our interest and our fun. Most of people do it, not for the money but they do because they love. Hobby is increases our skills and gives us knowledge and the goal of doing is our contentment. For example, reading the book, play the music, exercise, collect postages or dolls, etc.
In everyday, I study hard and it makes me exhausted. So, when I finish my class at university, I often come back to my dormitory and open the radio, listen to the music before take a bath. When I close my eyes and listen to the music, it makes me feel better and have more power to do something else. Listen to the music is one of my hobbies because even I do something, I always open the music. Foe example, when I take a bath, when I drive a car, when I sleep or wake up, etc. The another one of my hobbies is play computer. Now, computer is very important because it can help us in many problems. We can play internet for find some work or we can play for fun.
I usually play computer when I have free times. I like to play games computer because it makes me relax. In my room at my dormitory, it doesn’t has the internet, so when I need to use the internet. I must pay my money and go to the internet café.
I play internet games almost everyday at the internet café. It is my hobby but it is not good for me much because I have to pay about 100 baths for play game per day. Now I have to think about my money in the pocket because when the middle of the month I will not have money to eat. This is not good example but it makes me feel relax. There have many hobbies that you do not have to pay money for it. May be your hobby can be your career in the future if you have good skills. For example, your hobby is cooking some food and if you practice it every your free time and you have more skills, you can open you own restaurant, etc. So, if you do not have your hobby, just find it now. It will make your life happy!

1 comment:

Jasper said...

So what kind of games do you play online?