
If Tomorrow I Have To Die!

If Tomorrow I Have To Die!

Everyone knows that some days they have to die but no one knows when that time will come. It is true that no one wants to die but if tomorrow we have to die, there are many things that we want to do before we die. I am the one who have many things to do before I die.
It was a normal day, that day I did not know why I thought about this topic. I thought that I am going to die some days but if it comes tomorrow, what will I do. I just thought about many things in the past, that I have done, people who I love. If I have to leave this world in the next morning, who will hurt most, of cause, my dad and my mom will. In my life, I always dream that I want to have my own restaurant, because I want to cook for everyone I love. I want to see them smile when they taste my food but it can not be possible because I don’t have so much time. So , I just want to cook food for myself and my parents. Next thing I want to do is going to the cinema to watch film with them. I remembered that I had a chance to watch film with my parents just 2 or 3 times since I was born. Next thing is, I want to sit in front of my parents and talk with them about our past. This is my chance to apologize them if I have done something wrong with them and I will tell them how much I love them. I will not tell them that I will die tomorrow because I don’t want to hurt them. I just want to remember their face and smile when they were happy. I remembered that when I was young, I wanted to have my own room and when my dad gives it to me, I just didn’t want to sleep alone. So, I beg them to sleep in their room but they didn’t agree with me. May be they wanted to see me grow up. So, in the last night of my life, I want to sleep in their room between them and hold them in my arms and then hope that there will not be tomorrow for me again.
I think, it isn’t necessary to think when we will die. Just do everything that you want to and you that is good enough for you, for every you love before you don’t have a chance to do it.

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