
Good plan = Good future !

Good plan = Good future !

I think every one wants to have a good future but it can not be if we do not have a good plan for our future. I think many people think like me but your succeed depends on your plan and your intention to reach your goal. Let’s see what I think about it.
First, we must think about our future. What you want it to be in your future. What do you want to have? What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? Such as, you want to be a lawyer, you want to have a car, you want to have your own house, etc.
Second, when you know your dream then you must find out the way to get your dream comes true. But how? It is not difficult. You must know what you have to do and plan it. For example, I want to be a lawyer. I must study hard to get good grades.
When I finish my bachelor degree, I will go to study abroad and take master degree.
This is my plan to get my dream comes true, etc.
Third, when you have your plan in your mind then you have to follow your plan step by step. Just take your time do not hurry and try to do it best. If you have done your best already and the result is not satisfied. Do not worry about it. There have many ways to try. Just do not be upset and keep trying until you think that is good enough
for you. Such as my exam result is not good. I must think that next exam what I should do to get my grade up. So, I will keep trying to read the book and do not giveup.
This three steps can get you to reach your goal easily. Long time ago, I have heard someone said have a good plan, just like you win in a half way of you succeed. It is a good thing that you have a plan for your life. It makes your life better. My father always said just follow the PDCA system. P = plan , D = do , C = check , A = action.
When you have a plan then just do follow the plan then check your work and action.
And he said even you have a good plan but you do not do it right now, you also can not get your goal.

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