
My hobby!

My hobby!
In our free times, I think everyone has a hobby. Hobby is the thing that you often do when you have a free time. Hobby comes from our interest and our fun. Most of people do it, not for the money but they do because they love. Hobby is increases our skills and gives us knowledge and the goal of doing is our contentment. For example, reading the book, play the music, exercise, collect postages or dolls, etc.
In everyday, I study hard and it makes me exhausted. So, when I finish my class at university, I often come back to my dormitory and open the radio, listen to the music before take a bath. When I close my eyes and listen to the music, it makes me feel better and have more power to do something else. Listen to the music is one of my hobbies because even I do something, I always open the music. Foe example, when I take a bath, when I drive a car, when I sleep or wake up, etc. The another one of my hobbies is play computer. Now, computer is very important because it can help us in many problems. We can play internet for find some work or we can play for fun.
I usually play computer when I have free times. I like to play games computer because it makes me relax. In my room at my dormitory, it doesn’t has the internet, so when I need to use the internet. I must pay my money and go to the internet café.
I play internet games almost everyday at the internet café. It is my hobby but it is not good for me much because I have to pay about 100 baths for play game per day. Now I have to think about my money in the pocket because when the middle of the month I will not have money to eat. This is not good example but it makes me feel relax. There have many hobbies that you do not have to pay money for it. May be your hobby can be your career in the future if you have good skills. For example, your hobby is cooking some food and if you practice it every your free time and you have more skills, you can open you own restaurant, etc. So, if you do not have your hobby, just find it now. It will make your life happy!

My Home Sweet Home!

My Home Sweet Home!

Everyone knows, there are no where in the world that we can find pure love like our home. We can go any where in this world but how many places will be the same like our home. I think, many people think like me, right! I will give you a definition of home.
Meaning of “HOME” in dictionary is a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household but for me it has many meaning. In my opinion home is only one place that I can leave with not thinking about anything, leaving with happiness, leaving with someone I love. At my place there are two adjacent houses, one is my house and another one is my aunt’s house. Each house has 3 persons so, our home has 6 persons. In our place is quite big. My sister loves animals. So, at my home there have 3 dogs and 7 cats. My father loves nature, he likes to take care of his flowers. So, at my home there has a big garden that is full of big trees and colorful flowers. In my home, there have 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 dining room and 1 living room. I am happy when I stay at my home with my family. I can do everything that I want to do. On weekend we will stay at home and cook some food and have a dinner together. On new years day, it has a big party at my home, many people comes to my home and have dinner. Now, I have a chance to stay at my home just 2 or 3 days because I have to study. On Monday until Thursday, I have to sleep at my dormitory near my University with my friend. So, I have a little chance to stay with my parents. My parents are work hard and I know that they want to see me everyday but it can not be possible because different persons have a different duty. So, on Friday I will happy special because I know that I will come back to my home and see my parents. We are happy, when we stay in our home together.
I am always thinks of my home, when I have to stay in another place. I have been in many places but I think no where is same like my home. I can not find the happiness or pure love form my family in another place, except from my home sweet home.

Smoking is not Good!

Smoking is not Good!
Many people in the world are smoker. I am the one that like to smoke the cigarette. I smoke it every day, although I know that is not good for my health and another people. It is true that many people like to smoke the cigarette but more than people that smoke the cigarette are don’t like the smoke of it.
Nowadays Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on TV, radio, and in many magazines. Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker many thousands a year. So how come people are still lighting up? I started to smoke the cigarette since I was 15 years old, until now I smoke it about 4 years. My parents knew that I smoked about 1 year ago. They don’t like me to smoke and tell me every day to stop smoking. Many people asked me, why I have to smoke but I can not tell them the answer because I do not know myself why I have to smoke.
I heard someone said that, Once You Start, It's Hard to Stop. I think it is true because when I want to stop, I feel very upset and then I come back to smoke it again.
People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start before they're 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. That's why people say it's just so much easier to not start smoking at all. Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal
However, the answer of smoking is not good for every one. You must stop before it hurts you. If you do not care yourself, just try to care someone else, someone that you love and they love you.


why sleep is important?

why sleep is important?
Most teens need about 8½ to more than 9 hours of sleep each night. The right amount of sleep is essential for anyone who wants to do well on a test or play sports without tripping over their feet. Unfortunately, though, many teens don't get enough sleep. I am the one that have this problem because at night I didn’t sleep because I often spent my time with TV, talk to my friends, games computer, etc. I found the research in my mom’s book, it said….
Why Is Sleep Important?
This sleep deficit impacts everything from a person's ability to pay attention in class to his or her mood. Research shows that more than 20% of University students fall asleep in class, and experts have been able to tie lost sleep to poorer grades. Lack of sleep also damages teens' ability to do their best in athletics. Slowed responses and concentration from lack of sleep don't just affect school or sports performance, though. The fact that sleep deprivation slows reaction times can be life threatening for people who drive. The National Highway Safety Traffic Administration estimates that 1,500 people are killed every year in crashes caused by drivers between the ages of 15 and 24 who are simply tired. (More than half of the people who cause crashes because they fall asleep at the wheel are under the age of 26.) Lack of sleep has also been linked to emotional troubles, such as feelings of sadness and depression. Sleep helps keep us physically healthy, too, by slowing our body's systems enough to re-energize us after everyday activities.
I think, it is easy to know that you are getting enough sleep. Even if you think you're getting enough sleep, you may not be difficulty waking up in the morning, falling asleep during classes, etc. And if you have this problem, I think you need more sleep.
So, I think, get enough sleep is important thing because if we don’t get enough sleep, it will effect to our health and then our education and our works. So, we must get enough sleep for ourselves.

If Tomorrow I Have To Die!

If Tomorrow I Have To Die!

Everyone knows that some days they have to die but no one knows when that time will come. It is true that no one wants to die but if tomorrow we have to die, there are many things that we want to do before we die. I am the one who have many things to do before I die.
It was a normal day, that day I did not know why I thought about this topic. I thought that I am going to die some days but if it comes tomorrow, what will I do. I just thought about many things in the past, that I have done, people who I love. If I have to leave this world in the next morning, who will hurt most, of cause, my dad and my mom will. In my life, I always dream that I want to have my own restaurant, because I want to cook for everyone I love. I want to see them smile when they taste my food but it can not be possible because I don’t have so much time. So , I just want to cook food for myself and my parents. Next thing I want to do is going to the cinema to watch film with them. I remembered that I had a chance to watch film with my parents just 2 or 3 times since I was born. Next thing is, I want to sit in front of my parents and talk with them about our past. This is my chance to apologize them if I have done something wrong with them and I will tell them how much I love them. I will not tell them that I will die tomorrow because I don’t want to hurt them. I just want to remember their face and smile when they were happy. I remembered that when I was young, I wanted to have my own room and when my dad gives it to me, I just didn’t want to sleep alone. So, I beg them to sleep in their room but they didn’t agree with me. May be they wanted to see me grow up. So, in the last night of my life, I want to sleep in their room between them and hold them in my arms and then hope that there will not be tomorrow for me again.
I think, it isn’t necessary to think when we will die. Just do everything that you want to and you that is good enough for you, for every you love before you don’t have a chance to do it.