
๐ Love Is ......๐

In our world, there are many kinds of love and several meaning. In dictionary love is to have strong feelings of affection for another adult and be romantically and sexually attracted to them, or to feel great affection for a friend or person in your family. In my opinion, there are three kinds of love.
For me, the first love is my family. I think, two persons that love me more than anything in the world are my dad and mom. They gave me the biggest love that is the best thing in my life since I was born. They try to give me the best things that they think it is the best for me. They always look after me all the time although I do not ask for it. Before, I do no much care about love from my family until when I have a big problem that anyone can not help me but there are two persons who stay beside me and give me a suggestion to solve the problem. Although, they work hard and they do not have much time to spend it with me but I know everything that they have done all of for their own son that is me.
The second love is my friends. I think, there are two kinds of friend. The first is normal friends. This kind of friend is the person who just only talk, play, eat and etc. together but I can not talk everything that what I think it is important and I need to keep it secret from them. The second is real friends or we call the best friends. This kind of friend, I also do with them like normal friends but there is something special more than normal friends. For example, I can talk to them in everything that I think it is important because I feel they have more credit to keep it secret and they can suggest me than normal friends.
The third love is couple love. This kind of love is about two persons, man and women live together and share everything in their life. Living with understand each other.
There are many reasons that why we need someone to love. I think, sometime, it is a good thing when we live alone. We can do anything that we want to do without care about another person. Living alone it is not necessary to worry about person who we love. Do not worry about where is she/he or what does she/he doing now. But I think the first person that we should love is ourselves because if we do not love ourselves, we should not get the love from another person.